
Let's just say that I am not a very creative cook, but that I can follow instructions pretty well. I use a lot of books when I cook. My portion of one of the shelves in the kitchen is shown above.
From left to right: 1) Joy of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer; this was my mother's, well-used and taped; 2) Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian; encyclopedic, my go-to book on everything, use it a lot; 3) Cuisines of India by Smita and Sanjeev Chandra; good book, but I don't cook Indian food so much anymore and some ingredients can be hard to find; 4) Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison; one of my oldest and dearest cookbooks, this is a great book; 5) Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero; for the vegans, great recipes, fun to read; 6) Smitten Kitchen Cookbook by Deb Perelman (see Parade of Turkeys); recent Christmas present, fantastic cookbook; 7) Tassajara Bread Book; what can I say, "the dhammapada of breadmaking" (see Waiting for the Snow); 8) The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart (see Baguette); everything that you will ever need to know about making bread; 9) 100 Great Breads by Paul Hollywood; some great breads, some OK breads; there are some typos and mistakes in this book, I'm sad to say; 10) The Tassajara Recipe Book; another delight by Ed Espe Brown, check out the Oatmeal Shortbread cookies; 11) Market Vegetarian by Ross Dobson; this little book has some great recipes; 12) Appetite for Reduction, another vegan delight from Isa Chandra Moskowitz; 13) 3 Bowls by Seppo Ed Farrey and Nancy O'Hara, vegetarian recipes from an American Zen monastery; 14) The Greystone Bakery Cookbook by Helen Glassmen and Susan Postal; this book may be out of print; a gift from Susan Jion Postal.
[NOTE: Sorry for the long post and link excess. I started talking about each book and couldn't stop. Happy, healthy cooking to everyone].
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