Three Jumps to Tikon

Open Google Earth and enter "N25.49504 E95.02445" in the Search bar. You will zoom to northern Myanmar in the Naga Self-Administered Zone (formerly Sagaing Division) and see something like the image shown above. The yellow line in the upper left is the border with India. The coordinates you entered are indicated by the little grey box.
If you zoom in a little bit, a little strip of road will come into view and a red dot that says "Tigun" will appear (see above). Note that the village is really spelled "Tikon" and that the red dot is not located near the little strip of road.
If you zoom in a few more clicks, the village of Tikon will come into surprisingly clear focus. A small village of 13 household embedded in a sea of forest. Under the grey square with the coordinates is the school house where we stayed for a week. For the next jump, go here. A bit hard to get to, but what a great place once you do.

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