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The Elements of Typographic Style

Patagonia Synchilla Snap-T Pullover

Minding the Earth, Mending the Word: Zen and the Art of Planetary Crisis

North Face Base Camp Duffel (Medium)




Entries in Roy Staab (1)


Fall Sesshin 2012

So, I spent the weekend running inventory transects (see Camp Deerpark Forestry), came home and went through one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever strike New York (see Waiting for Sandy and Grace), had a week without lights, or heat, or hot water in the house, and then took off to the Garrision Institute for the EHZC Fall Sesshin.  Three days of intensive meditation, delicious food - and hot showers. Wonderful. [NOTE: Image above shows Roy Staab's bamboo sculpture, Wheel of Time, on the riverfront lawn in front of the Garrision Institute].