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The Elements of Typographic Style

Patagonia Synchilla Snap-T Pullover

Minding the Earth, Mending the Word: Zen and the Art of Planetary Crisis

North Face Base Camp Duffel (Medium)




Entries in forest inventories (3)


Another Transect

So here we are running another transect. This time at N25.32859° and E95.36510°, about an hour's walk from our basecamp south of the village of NamSaBi in Sagaing Region. To put this in context:

the Google Earth screenshot above shows the location of the transect. The border of the Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary is off to the right, close to the edge of the image; our basecamp was located near the ricefields at the top left. I am pretty sure we were the first people to count and measure trees here. 


Field Equipment

My field research is decidedly low-tech (see Transect Ropes Redux).  You really don't need much stuff to lay out an inventory transect: 1) a transect rope with knots to correct for slope (yellow nylon), 2) a Silva ranger compass to keep you going straight, 3) a Speigel Relaskop for measuring slopes and heights (in leather case), and 4) Forestry Suppliers fieldbook for recording the data (I use their orange, hardback, six column Level book, No. 5737). 

[NOTE: Image is from the 2005 rattan survey in the Hukaung Valley, Myanmar (see Hukaung Valley Rattan Survey). With the exception of the transect rope, I still have - and use - all of these tools].


Western Borneo

I did some extensive forest inventories in Western Borneo during the early 1990's (see Field Crews). Spent a lot of time camping out in the forest with field crews of local Dayaks. Big trees, big parangs, and great headgear. [NOTE: I was probably supposed to be doing something when I took this picture. Looks like everyone is waiting for me].