Current Situation in Guerrero

Things are a bit complicated in Guerrero at the moment. There are divisions between communities about the CRAC-PC (community police), the teachers are on strike in response to educational reform, the violence from the war against drugs continues to escalate, and the recent Campaign Against Hunger is sending the army into rural villages to cook food. There are roadblocks and checkpoints on many roads and trucks loaded with soldiers are circulating all over the state.
The image above, from Chilpancingo, shows heavily-armed soldiers in battle gear and says (loosely translated): Did you know? Guerrero has created a military force to guarantee your security.
Community-based resoure management loses some of its relevance with all of this going on in the background. [NOTE: Nestle and PepsiCo are major corporate sponsors of the National Crusade Against Hunger (Cruzada Nacional Contra el Hambre or CNCH) in Mexico].