Book Launched

We had a luxurious venue in the Imperial Hotel in Phnom Penh (thx, Thibault). Table cloths, and simultaneous translation, and wireless headphones, and crystal water glasses, and comfy chairs, and chandeliers, and frigid air conditioning, and a huge banner with the name of the book and all the institutional logos. And an outer room with lovely posters of the WWF Greater Mekong Rattan Project, and fruit, and pastries, and hot beverages. And representatives from the local media, government offices, and several conservation NGOs. And brief talks by the head of the Rattan Association of Cambodia, the Country Director of WWF, local rattan botanist, Khou Eang Hourt, and me. What a book launch. A total success and great fun.
[NOTE: The book, the cover of which is shown on the poster to the left of the projection screen, looks, feels, and smells great].