Lot of Mud on the Ledo Road

On the way up to Namyun during January of 2005 (see January 18-19, 2005 entries in Myanmar 2005 journal), we had to cross a river bed with some really deep mud. The truck in front of us had just gotten stuck and everyone was standing around trying to figure out what to do. All trafiic along the Ledo Road was stopped until this truck could climb up out of the river. After much pushing and digging - it did. And we made it, too. A lot of swerving and mud flying everwhere and spinning wheels, but we didn't get stuck, [NOTE: I assume than U Tun Shuang (see Group Photo) took the photo, because that's my head, and hand, and white t-shirt in the right foreground; U Tin Maung Ohn is to the left].
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