Earth Consciousness

A useful distinction from Gary Snyder:
There are two kinds of earth consciousness: one is called global, the other we call planetary. The two are 180 degrees apart from each other, although on the surface they appear similar. "Global consciousness" is world-engineering-technocratic-utopian-centralization men in business suits who play world games in systems theory; they include the environmentalists who are employed at the backdoor of the Trilateral Commission. "Planetary thinking" is decentralist, seeks biological rather than technological solutions, and finds its teachers for its alternative possibilities as much in the transmitted skills of natural peoples of Papua and the headwaters of the Amazon as in the libraries of the high Occidental civilizations.
-The Real Work: Interviews & Talks (1964-1979)
[Image of Earth at night is a NASA composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. Image made possible by the satellite's "day-night band" of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, which detects light in a range of waverlengths from green to near-infrared and uses filtering techinques to observe dim signals such as city lights, gas flares, wildfires, and reflected moonlight].
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