Great Spirit Manifesting Dharma

Offered incense - and took pictures - last Sunday in the 49th day Memorial Service for the American Zen teacher and Soto priest, Surei Kenpo Darlene Cohen. Her Dharma name, Surei Kenpo, means Great Spirit Manifesting Dharma. And this she was. Completely.
The side altar had a wonderful brush painting by Darlene's teacher, Dairyu Michael Wenger (see Sumi-e). It shows Darlene making her way with her robes, traditional monk's traveling hat and staff - and brightly painted toenails.
The main altar had a lovely picture of Darlene taken by Susan Ji-on Postal at an EHZC sesshin. Darlene's big smile is at least partially related to the altar flowers from this sesshin that she has stuck in her hair. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to practice with this extraordinary teacher. [NOTE: More pictures from Darlene's Memorial Service are here].
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