Calamus hukaungensis
Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:06PM

Here I am in 2005, walking across a completely denuded landscape next to a gold mine (see Worth A Thousand Words) in the Hukaung Valley Tiger Reserve (see Hukaung Valley Rattan Survey – and numerous other posts) holding a bunch of spiny stems of a new rattan species, Calamus hukaungensis A.J. Hend. Lot that I like about this image, in addition to the new species: the orange collecting gloves (I still have these), the villager in the background, the morning fog, the desolation, and my green "Hukaung Valley Rattan Survey" baseball cap (which I also still have). 

A close-up of C. hukaungensis is shown below. The bristly ocrea and slender, sparse spines give it away. Click here for the original species description (Taiwanea 52(2):152-158, 2007). Nice job, Andrew. [NOTE: I think U Tun Shaung took the top photo (thx, Tun Shaung)].

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