In Press (Finally)
Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 11:09AM
[chuck] in Lower Mekong Region, Science, rattans

Well, it's been five months since I first posted about the rattan book (See Almost A Book), but the good news is that the third set of proofs have been corrected, all is well, and Systematics, Ecology and Management of Rattans in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam will soon be printed in Hanoi by The Agriculture Publishing House. The volume is a joint publication between the WWF and NYBG, with a generous subvention from IKEA; it will be published in English, Vietnamese, Khmer, and Lao. For me, the best part is that under the ISBN number on the back cover it says "Not For Sale". The volume will be made available to communities, researchers, development workers, and other interested parties free of charge. 

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