Tangled Up In Blue
Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 3:26PM
[chuck] in Art, Bob Dylan, Rolling Thunder Review, Tangled Up In Blue

I saw Bob Dylan with his Rolling Thunder Review in January of 1976 in Hatttiesburg, MS.  I was in Forestry School at the time at The University of Arkansas at Monticello (home of the Fighting Boll Weevils. Really). Didn't take any pictures - or have lost any pictures that I might have taken.  Thrilled to have found this video, because, in my mind, he looked and sounded just like this. Something for your Monday. [NOTE: The hat, the white facepaint, the incomparable lyrics, and the unmistakable voice. Where would we be without Bob Dylan?] 

Article originally appeared on thus i have seen (http://thusihaveseen.squarespace.com/).
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